
Showing posts from May, 2016

Book review of Reconstructing Amelia, Book by Kimberly McCreight

Hey guys its been a long time when I last posted something on this blog. So today I'm going to write a review on the book I read recently. Ive selected this book coz it’s the most recommended interesting novel. The name of this fabulous book is Reconstructing Amelia, Book by Kimberly McCreight This novel is about a mother who avoids to accept that her daughter commits suicide after a message tells her so. About a single mother and her daughter going through a life where they don’t have time to spend with each other and the mother thinks that its her fault behind her daughter's death.

When does fybcom II semester results declare and sybcom admission process starts ?

So mostly in many colleges of the mumbai university it declares mainly between mid or end of April for degree and self financing courses like bba, bbi, baf etc. The declaration of the atkt results take place before the  the second semester results. This year in some colleges they were declared in first week of April. If we talk about fybcom second sem results mostly happens on the first week of May and just 5 days after that admission process starts. There are 2 optional subjects that you would have to choose for sybcom 3rd sem and they are computer programming and advertising . Those who are all clear in 1st and 2nd sem get preference in opting for computer programming subject.

Business Communication FYBCOM notes Channels of Communication Semester 1 / Sem I

CHANNELS OF COMMUNICATION Each and every firm has an organisational structure which is formal in nature. To carry out its activities, it employs people who work at different levels with certain duties, authorities and power assigned to them. As per   the needs of the organization and as per the ability and qualifications of the employees, they are appointed at suitable positions. They are given placement at different levels or ladders at which people work within an organization is known as 'line of authority’ or ’hierarchy’.  The powers to take policy decisions lie with the Board of Directors while execution of the policies is given to the Managing Director. CHAIRMAN Ñ BOARD OF DIRECTORS Ñ MANAGING DIRECTOR Ñ DIVISIONAL MANAGERS Ñ DEPARTMENTAL HEADS Ñ SUPERVISORS / OFFICERS Ñ CLERKS / OPERATORS / WORKERS Organisational Structure And 'Line Of Authority’ Of Hierarchy Internal communication are of two types formal or Officicial and inf...