Business Communication FYBCOM notes Channels of Communication Semester 1 / Sem I


Each and every firm has an organisational structure which is formal in nature. To carry out its activities, it employs people who work at different levels with certain duties, authorities and power assigned to them. As per the needs of the organization and as per the ability and qualifications of the employees, they are appointed at suitable positions. They are given placement at different levels or ladders at which people work within an organization is known as 'line of authority’ or ’hierarchy’.  The powers to take policy decisions lie with the Board of Directors while execution of the policies is given to the Managing Director.



Organisational Structure And 'Line Of Authority’ Of Hierarchy

Internal communication are of two types formal or Officicial and informal or unofficial or grapevine.


Formal communication takes place within the line of authority. It flows along a prescribed channel, observing and obeying all the rules of hierarchy, and all the members on line of authority are obliged to follow this line of communication, e.g. if a worker in a particular department wants to apply for casual leave, he has to submit his application to his immediate senior and not to the manager or Managing Director. It has to be forwarded through proper channel. ' 

Types Of Formal Communication


a) UPWARD (from subordinates to superiors) (lower level management to upper level management) (also called as UpStream Communication)

Advantages Of Upstream/ Upward Communication.

1) Feedback : Feedback helps to improve or make efficient changes in the plans, policies, product etc. and earn more profits.
2) Complaints : Complaints and grievances of the employees and workers get sorted out by the managers and maintain good relationship in the firm.
3) Suggestions : If the employees have any suggestions about the policies, plans etc of the organisation then they can easily communicate to the superiors for better improvement.
4) Schemes : If they have any objection to such schemes, they can easily communicate the same to the management with the help of upward communication


1Delay due to following the long line of communication the information gets delayed
2 Distortion due to following the long line of communication the information gets distorted
3  Filtering due to following the long line of communication the information gets filtered through many employees
4. Resentment
 b) DOWNWARD (from superiors to subordinates) (upper level management to lower level management) (also called as Down Stream Communication) ( chain should be kept as short as possible to avoid delays)

Advantages Of Downward Communication

1. Provide Directions : Superiors instructs the subordinates to execute and accomplish the goals
2. Control of Activities: The superiors can also control the activities of their subordinates
3. Motivate Employees: Downward communication can be used to motivate the employees to perform better.
4. Clarifications: employees seek clarifications on plans and policies of the organisation, the management can clarify the plans and policies of the organisation. 

5. Labour-Management Relations: Through effective downward communication, management can develop good relations with their employees.
6. Discipline: helps to bring about discipline in the organisation

LIMITATIONS (Same as upward communication)

2. HORIZONTAL  (equal status) (Same status, level, department or management) (to carry out Day to day activities)

3. DIAGONAL (combination of‘ vertical communication and horizontal communication) (occurs between individuals who are at different levels of authority and who serve in different departments)

What is a  Consesus?

Consesus mean when a number of people, irrespective of their status sit down and confer with one another to arrive at a decision acceptable to all.


A Casual form of information sharing within an organisation. Grapevine is the plant or creeper on which grapes grow. The grapevine may grow or move in any direction with the support of its tendrils. In the same way, informal communication can move in any direction with the support of informal groups. No line of command. No directions to follow.

I hope that this notes helps you to study in small minute points which will help to memorise even more effectively. Share and Comment below for feedback, any doubts or want more such notes. Happy to help :). Have a nice day :)


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