I must say that, this test was my first time experience with online exams and also I had the best of my time. Talking about the exam, I was given a centre in Powai which was far from my place but manageable. I went there and it was raining so getting there became a problem. The roads were congested, students from previous session were gathered outside and because of the rain, hundreds of  umbrellas in a narrow road made it difficult to reach the centre. Finally, we  reached there, a big crowd of people already gathered outside the gate waiting to get inside and all of a sudden people started bashing in with full of chaos.

Amidst the chaos, I, luckily made out my way, got my photo identity verified, got it stamped and then headed for my zone. Looked for my system number from a list and registered my attendance. After all this formalities we were seated for more than half an hour and then the test was started.

I started with current affairs.To my surprise, the test was nothing like I expected. I prepared with a mindset on the basis of a YouTube video I saw. I didn't expect it to be this dynamic. I prepared my current affairs only of the last 6-7 months from the day of exams and wasn't prepared for the static part. The questions were more from first half of 2017-18 and some were regarding future events. I must say that the general knowledge questions were of the average kind which can be attempted with a over average academic mind. For example, captial of Chandragupta Maurya, minimum age for lok sabha, etc. However, the general knowledge part was unexpected and it is given generally in the syllabus which covers a large part but according to the last year test, most of the questions were based on current affairs and that too of the last 3-4 months.

My preconceived notions backfired me, but i would recommend you all to study full one year's current affairs. The test questions consisted of appointed chairman of institutions, sports tournament cup name, dam projects, economic advisory council head, ASEAN conference going to be held, next BRICS going to be held, etc so be prepared for anything. Don't be in an assumption that something related to judicial nature is going to be asked. So, that was my current affairs part, which I would rate 6 out of 10 on difficulty level.

Coming to English which was very easy though the starting part which I had never seen anywhere, nor in my clat textbook, very absurd and a hard to understand set of questions relating to how you can start two combination of sentences in the possible given phrases. For eg.
*)The municipality proposed to the people to voluntarily clear unwanted parking and make the place available for green spots
*)The voluntarily given proposal backfired and it turned out to be something unexpected....
Now we have to select possible phrases to start the above sentences
1)The municipality
2)the people
3) the voluntary proposal
And then we have to select either option 1-2 or 2-4 or only 2 and blah blah. This took me couple of minutes to re read it and understand but everything went over my head.(if anyone knows what this is, lemme know in the comment section). After that question taking up my precious time, i skipped to other questions which were simple and I attempted all except the comprehension which was time consuming so I guess ticked it at the end. Nonetheless this was the easiest part of paper according to me.

Legal aptitude was my forte while solving question papers at home. But the level of questions asked in the test was tricky. 30% of the were easily understandable but the rest made me cringe. Also being my first ever online computer test I was not use to the light glaring at my sensitive eyes which made me distract in reading the thinking a number of times. Also being wet and sitting in the air conditioned room made it worse. Keeping the excuses aside, some questions were unconventional and I would ask you all to be prepared for the worst. Lest, this section came out to be good and time consuming, so move quick.

Now the most funniest part of my exam was logical reasoning. I can't tell you all, how lengthy that section was. By the time getting till that section I was left with 20 mins and I had 30 questions left. My heart pacing fast, hand shivering, head in blunder and my partner asks me to help her which was impossible for me. I looked at all the easier answers and attempted them all. The questions asked were syllogism, parallel line arrangements, building arrangements puzzle, coding including one weird sort of question(I'm telling yall be ready for anything).I attempted the easier questions and the I guess marked all the rest being short of time. The puzzles were easy to solve but if you are successful in one go then it's worth something but if you go on solving it in different ways and finding out answers. The whole process would give you some marks but would take away the remaining possibly scoring ones. Therefore I would suggest you to practice 'n' number of sums within a time limit of 4 minutes. To this I would give 2/10 difficulty level ratings just because of time shortage and lengthy nature.

Now how to attempt the paper, I think it would be wise to attempt current affairs and general knowledge section first because the questions are sort and would need 10-20secs each. Then opt for English and solve the grammatical problems of comprehension before the passage related questions. If you have ample of time then go for the passage reading. Then for legal aptitude and please be quick in answering. I know it's hard to understand the principle and the thinking the decision quick, but try through it as soon as possible. Logic will be waiting for you if you have ample of time, go for solving the puzzles and if you don't, just make educated guesses and attempt all the questions. Who knows what turns out to be right? And it's no risk when the exam doesn't have negative marking so don't leave a single question unattended.

Ending this long post I would say just be happy, smile and spread positivity. Don't worry and always be contented with what you have attempted. This is how you are and nothing is going to be changed, no matter what. Be positive and positive things will happen with you. We are the upcoming lawyers in process. Let's wait for the bright results. Hoping that the results to be awesome and I wish u all good luck :) 🐝

Note: new buddies if you want to experience how the online test would be go to this website then CET CELL> 2018-19> scroll down to find LLB 3 and 5 years mock test and enjoy. Byee


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