
Showing posts from January 4, 2018

New year New start.

New year new start New year new endeavors New year new heart New year new fun New year forgetting the past New year new start                          - by bee A slow shutter speed capture using flash light which captures the projectile of the light in one snap.😁 Hey guys, I've been absent from quite some days but I've come back with a lot in store. I'm going to regularly post some articles,feelings, book reviews, reviews about other things and so on. With the new year I am all set to make this year a great one like the last year. Whole new set of obstacles ready to come up on me. I have to set my gears up and be ready to fight them. The year ahead is challenging and at times seems frightening to me. But a utter sense of concentration and focus is enough to make it a success. Sticking to things which you are good with and passing on the bad things is very vital to keep yourself going with positivity. Punctuality and giving the best of oneself will be greatly n

Integrity ( a short story written by me; everything bee knows)

Integrity ( a short story written by me; everything bee knows) What I'm going to write now has to do nothing to the word integrity nor I'm gonna tell it's meaning or illustrate it. But still this passage is related to that word. So here it starts by me going to my class after a month long vacation seems boring but excited to meet friends. We had this new subject's first lecture and my friend was excited to see who is going to be the new lecturer also at the same time anticipating that it will be a regular lecture as usual. So we were all set with new books to get started with new subject. As we entered the class, Bam! We get our first shock our seats had been acquired by someone else. So we had to sit somewhere at the backside that is the last benches. Now one would think that last benches are seats for the coolest. No I my class last benches are for the unfortunate ones. The tortourus place you can find over there. Not a single fan facing there and full of humidity

Review on Karl Marx book Manifesto of the Communist Party

Disclaimer: This review is made with an intention to give an overview about this book as per my intellectual capability and from a beginners point of view. If your opinions are different than mine or my opinions are wrong  and not withstanding to yours then, it's a subjective thing  and depends on person to person. Many political leaders and philosophers have read this book and its the most recommended book, so thought of giving it a try and reading it out, I downloaded its free PDF available online and started reading it. The language used is quite difficult to understand with a different style of writing which I'm not used to and not familiar with. This review is from my own point of view, I'm not a professional critic or has a degree in English literature,this is from my understanding of the book and nothing else. I am not saying that you should have a degree to understand this book. Maybe age factor helps to understand the political nature of the book. So before re

Book review of the Meluhan Shiva trilogy The Oath of the Vayuputras and The Secrets of the Nagas novels by Amish Tripathi

Book review by Everything bee knows : The Meluhan Shiva trilogy The Oath of the Vayuputras and The Secrets of the Nagas novels by Amish Tripathi  It's been a long time I had done a book review. Though I've been regularly reading books meanwhile. I came across some famous Indian authors with mythological content which was a delight to read. Today I have a review of the book which I've been craving to read and luckily got it from my friend who is also an ardent book lover and book collector, her name is Pu. So I happen to read the 2nd and 3rd books of the Meluhan trilogy which  were t he Secrets of Nagas and the Oath of the Vayuputras. Been several days but the storyline and the book is still fresh in my mind. So first I'll review the 2nd part of the trilogy the Secrets of Nagas. It started with an action scene of abduction of the great scientist of Meluha and Shiva's best friend by the Nagas where Sati gets injured. This plot continues to be unraveled with