Yoga and My Exercise Routine
After the international yoga day celebration which was on 21st June 2016. I had this importance of yoga imbibed in me which led me to practice yoga everyday though not the time which is prescribed by the teachers but the time which suits me The results are spectacular. This made my whole routine in perfect time as though my whole body works on a clock of its own. Every single process happens according to the schedule which was fixed from the first day. Also this routine consist of modification by me because the instructors had demonstrated various exercise which couldn’t be accommodated in this short span of time i.e. 10 mins. Following will be the exercises which I practiced which is a combination of stretching aerobics and breathing exercises in small quantity each but u would notice that more importance in given in the sequence of breathing then stretching and aerobics in the last because the breathing needs to be followed in the full process of doing yoga which gives the ...