Review of the book To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee / Everything bee knows
To kill a mockingbird The most recommended book ever and an American classic surely keeps up its name. I didn’t know much authors, being a beginner, so I searched the Internet for most recommended and must read books. This book was on top of the list. I got this book and it has a different structure and writing to understand for a beginner like me. But I understood and that’s a great thing. The story is narrated by Jean Louis Finch aka Scout who is a small girl, living with her brother and father, she is 6 years old or so, who’s always taunted by her aunt for not being lady like more like a tom boy. Her mother died when she was small and can’t recall any memories of hers; she gets to know about her from her elder brother. They lived in a very remote town where some neighbors are harmonious and some are bitter. During summer holidays her friend ‘Dill’ would visit his aunt and was very close to Scout and her brother. Once he had ran away from his house to meet them. The starting ...