
Showing posts from May 6, 2016

Business Communication FYBCOM notes Channels of Communication Semester 1 / Sem I

CHANNELS OF COMMUNICATION Each and every firm has an organisational structure which is formal in nature. To carry out its activities, it employs people who work at different levels with certain duties, authorities and power assigned to them. As per   the needs of the organization and as per the ability and qualifications of the employees, they are appointed at suitable positions. They are given placement at different levels or ladders at which people work within an organization is known as 'line of authority’ or ’hierarchy’.  The powers to take policy decisions lie with the Board of Directors while execution of the policies is given to the Managing Director. CHAIRMAN Ñ BOARD OF DIRECTORS Ñ MANAGING DIRECTOR Ñ DIVISIONAL MANAGERS Ñ DEPARTMENTAL HEADS Ñ SUPERVISORS / OFFICERS Ñ CLERKS / OPERATORS / WORKERS Organisational Structure And 'Line Of Authority’ Of Hierarchy Internal communication are of two types formal or Officicial and inf...