What is YOGA?

Yoga has been practiced from the pre Vedic period dating back in 600 B.C. The granth Yoga Sutras which describes yoga was written by Sage Patanjali, who was famous for describing something in concise way. As per him, yoga means '' Chitta Vritti Nirodha'' which tanslates into; Chitta= Mind or consciousness Vritti = continuos fluctuation or variation Niroddha = abolish or end something, get rid of The granth decribes process of yoga in 8 parts also called as ASHTANG-YOGAS which mastered will gain spiritual bliss and nirvana. Ashtanga yoga literally means "eight-limbed yoga," as described by the Patanjali Muni in the Yoga Sutras . According to Patanjali, the path of internal purification for Self enlightenment through the following eight spiritual practices: Yama [moral codes] Niyama [self-purification and study] Asana [posture] Pranayama [breath control by Pranakarshana] Pratyahara [sense control...