The secret of getting back motivated after facing failures by everythingbeeknows

There had been circumstances in life where we had started to pursue something but lack of willpower left us empty handed. This may not have shown us a profound failure in life but did teach us some lesson for lifetime. But still we seem to pass it off, not learning a thing from it and continuing with our routine which is full of wastage and devaluing ourselves and not optimizing ourselves for doing not just routine work but also other than that.

Motivation by watching youtube videos and reading inspirational quotes is only for short time. As the time passes by, we forget the things and get back with our bad habits. We might have tried our best to avoid them as far as our power can allow. But get right sort of motivation will help to achieve what you dream of.

Getting right sort of friends and partners are very essential. A good company gives you right amount of motivation which boosts energy into ones’ body and motivates to complete the work. Bad company always results in futility, unless and until one recovers from it and saves one precious time of life. Avoiding bad company and being with good company which gives you ample and healthy amount of competition is a secret to getting back motivated and fighting back failures.

Never go into the abyssal of depression. Whenever you might feel low because of continuous failures, talk to yourself. Give advices and make yourself believe that this is not the end of life. You’ll get further chances to rectify your mistakes. Also take this time to analyze whether what you are doing is right for your future or you should take up something else that you are passionate about. If you do something where you don’t find passion and you face a failure, you should take this time to do amends in your life. If talking to yourself doesn’t help, listen to some music, play games, draw, do something of your hobby, talk with your true friends who would make fun of that situation and bring smile on your face as well as encourages you with kind words. Don’t try to talk to someone who would make your day even worse, so choose people carefully.

If you had started studying something back sometime and you feel that you’ll remember it. I’ll suggest, start from the scratch again with timely revision and recording. You might have a tinge of knowledge here and there but starting from the beginning will help to revise what you have studied as well as making that area strong in the mind.

Don’t take anything lightly as well as don’t stress upon it too. Keep an adequate balance for a situation. During exam time it is very important to start with taking thing hardly this means that thinking that the study material is hard to remember which makes you nervous and instigates you to start studying. And while studying make yourself feel that what you are studying is a piece of cake this will help you to ease down yourself making you comfortable and more easier to learn the concept and memorise it. That’s how you should maintain the level of stressing over things. Over stressing is never a good thing. Sometimes you have to just let it go and move on to the next. Stressing on the first place should be avoided you should do what you love to do. Try to do your best and let energy around you do the rest.  


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